""im not going to give you a negative ... " (more)but i hould. im v3ry dissapointed . it wasnt just 1 auction , it was 5 separate auctions.your actions speak for themselves. at least your listia auctions will never succeeed now. its all about communication, honesty and actions. you have neither of the 3""
""im not going to give you a negative ... " (more)but i hould. im v3ry dissapointed . it wasnt just 1 auction , it was 5 separate auctions.your actions speak for themselves. at least your listia auctions will never succeeed now. its all about communication, honesty and actions. you have neither of the 3""
""im not going to give you a negative ... " (more)but i hould. im v3ry dissapointed . it wasnt just 1 auction , it was 5 separate auctions.your actions speak for themselves. at least your listia auctions will never succeeed now. its all about communication, honesty and actions. you have neither of the 3""