"Another Listian to put on your BLOCK list. Unr ... " (more)easonable. Rude. A TOTAL BOOR. There is another b word that totally describes her. Item mailed Dec 15th. There are about 7 non-working USPS mailing days in between then and now. And she cannot read either obviously. Totally ignorant."
"Thank you so much for the rose seeds sw ... " (more)eetie!! I love roses, and i want i huge rose garden, so i am trying to get all the different colors i can. These seeds will be a great addition to them. Again thank you, and have a wonderful day!!"
"Thank you so much for the all the rose ... " (more)seeds!! I will have a beautiful and colorful rose garden once they all start blooming. Again thank you sweetie and have a wonderful day!!"