"I'm sorry I has broken my foot so I w ... " (more)as late on my mailing stuff. I went ahead And mailed it in my regular mail so it could be pm it's way are least. Sorry for the delay."
Feb 2nd 2012, 11:24:37 AM PST (almost 13 years ago)
"Sorry if I took to to long getting it out ... " (more) to you, but I had broken my foot so it delayed me a little. So it went out on Feb. 1rst. Thank u"
Feb 2nd 2012, 1:50:31 PM PST (almost 13 years ago)
"I sent it in the regular mail. I had brok ... " (more)en my foot and it caused me to be late getting it out so instead of waiting. I just mailed it in my mail."
Feb 2nd 2012, 12:56:12 PM PST (almost 13 years ago)
"This went out Feb.1rst. I'm very sorr ... " (more)y it has been this long but I had broken my foot and too miserable to do anything. Thank u for your bid!"
Feb 3rd 2012, 1:26:53 AM PST (almost 13 years ago)