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Member since Jun 27, 2018
Last login Nov 10, 2020
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 71
Total listings completed: 66
Total listings w/ winner: 66
Feedback received: 788
Positive feedback: 780
Negative feedback: 5
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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Greece: 1961, Island of Hydra, Saronic Gulf, Scott # GR-693 - GRE-8202 (view item)
Greece: 1961, Temple of Apollo, Delphi, Scott # GR-703 - GRE-2300 (view item)
Canada: 1946, Great Bear Lake, Scott # CA-269 - CAN-8001a (view item)
USSR" 1978, 12th Definitive Issue, Michel # SU-4640v - USSR-6600b (view item)
United States: 1960, Scout Giving Scout Sign, 50th Anniversary. Scott # US-1145 - US-5301c (view item)
Hungary: 1986, Ferenc Listz, Composer, MNH-OG-CTO, Scott # HU-3003 - HUN-6600c (view item)
Germany: 1961, Albertus Magnus (C 1193-1280), Michel # DE-347x - GER-6500b (view item)
(60) Defnitive Stamps from All Around the World, All Different, Vintage, Used, Cancelled - WW-295 (view item)
Austria: 1920, Posthorn, Coat of Arms, Allegory, Scott # AT-207 - AST-7001a (view item)
Germany: 1947, Girl Costume of Bodensesee & Konstanz, Scott # DE-5N2 - GER-7010a (view item)