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Member since Jun 27, 2018
Last login Nov 10, 2020
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 71
Total listings completed: 66
Total listings w/ winner: 66
Feedback received: 788
Positive feedback: 780
Negative feedback: 5
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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United States: 1962, Rifleman at Battle of Shiloh, 1862, Scott # US-1179 - US-5317c (view item)
Monaco: 1958, Statue of Mary with Pope Pius XII & Pope Pius IX, MNH-NEW!, Sc # MC-412 - MON-ST-3505 (view item)
United States: 1962, George Washington (1732-1796), 1st President, Scott # US-1213 - US-2419 (view item)
United States: 1968, Thomas Jefferson, Famous American Series, Scott # US-1276 - US-2402 (view item)
United States: 1982, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Scott # US-1950 - US-5316a (view item)
Germany: 1953, Woman at Steering Wheel, 5 Year Plan Series, Scott # DD-156 - GER-4812g (view item)
Germany: 1933, Paul Von Hindenburg (1842-1934), 2nd President, Scott # DE-402 - GER-4818j (view item)
Germany: 2010, Fruits - Blueberries, Scott # GER-6601a (view item)
Germany: 1889, Value number under crown in a Pearl Oval, Scott # DE-47 - GER-6600a (view item)
Poland: 1972, Knight of King Mieszko I, MNH-OG-CTO, Scott # PL-1887 - POL-6601a (view item)