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Member since Jun 27, 2018
Last login Nov 10, 2020
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 71
Total listings completed: 66
Total listings w/ winner: 66
Feedback received: 788
Positive feedback: 780
Negative feedback: 5
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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Afghanistan: 1991, Smooth Collie, Dogs Series, MNH-OG-CTO - Michel # AF-1858 - AFG-6600a (view item)
United States: 1988, Ship's Wheet, Power Tranmission, Tower & Barge, Scott # US-1358 - US-5347d (view item)
Hungary: 1955, Dump Truck, Vehicles (1955), Scott # HU-116 - HUN-6101a (view item)
Netherlands: 1935, Numeral Stamp, Figure 1/2, Scott # NL-55 - NED-5100a1 (view item)
Brazil: 1954, Duke of Caxias, Portrait of Famous People in Brazil, Scott # BR-795 - BRA-3908a (view item)
Great Britain: 1913, King George V, Scott # GB-159 - GBR-4202 (view item)
United States: 1970, American Bison, Wildlife Conservation Issue, Scott # US-1392 - US-5308a (view item)
United States: 1964, Battle of the Wilderness, 1864, Scott # Us-1181 - US-5326d (view item)
United States: 2001, Leonard Bernstein, Conductor, Scott # US-3521 - US-5340d (view item)
Ireland: 1940, Celtic Cross, Symbols 1940-1968, Scott # IE-83 - IRE-4407 (view item)