"seller is unresponsive, and honestly took me for 9 $ worth of shipping and handling fees, and never ... " (more) shipped product! I don't think she is ready to be a honest seller!"
"not responsive or proffesional, either onedaysoon had something happen in her life that has made he ... " (more)r unresponsive to her auctions, or shes a scam. Don't know, but after winning 2 shirts back to back from her, then sending her the 4$ in shipping money that she demanded within 5 days of winning, she never responded back or sent my items! "
"Never received item after I paid for shipping seller stole my $3 in shipping and never sent item. N ... " (more)ever responded to my emails and never logged on after auction. Please don't bid on this persons auctions. She always charges shipping and does not have Paypal you will have to mail in your payment so she can't steal your money!!!!"