"bidded on this on a whim lol but the seller is very polite and i hope to get these cards soon so i ... " (more)can look them over and see what i got :)"
left positive feedback for
vwwindsheimer on Jul 21st, 2012 at 12:05 PM PDT (over 12 years ago)
Magic The Gathering Card Armored Ascension(view item)
"Great Buyer! Worked well with me when i had to leave town and couldnt send it right away. got the b ... " (more)attery replaced so i hope they like it. First Game boy game i ever had so it holds a dear place in my heart. but I like Crystal version better lol. Hope they like it!"
"I won this mic over a month ago, I told the seller i would wait for my paycheck to send them 7 doll ... " (more)ars for shipping. I got caught up in paying bills and rent that i forgot. I figured that is was just 7 dollars the seller would have the kindness to send it but i guess that wasnt the case. I'm remaining neutral to this because i dont want anything to do with this seller anymore. I feel 7 dollars would have been easily covered by them for a mic as cheap as this. Hope no one else has a problem with this seller."
"Do not buy from this guy at all!!!! He will not respond to messages and wont send said products. If ... " (more) i could give a rating it would be a -1,000,000. Poor seller."