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Member since Aug 24, 2012
Last login Dec 22, 2018
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 1
Total listings completed: 1
Total listings w/ winner: 1
Feedback received: 84
Positive feedback: 84
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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MTG: 4 Hellspark Elemental from Sorin vs Tibalt Duel Deck (view item)
MTG, Dragon Maze Scab-Clan Giant, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Dragon Maze Goblin Test Pilot, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Theros Flamecast Wheel, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Blast of Genius, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, M14 Darksteel Ingot, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Dragon Maze Spike Jester, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Nivix Aerie of The Firemind Land, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, M14, Molten Birth, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)
MTG, Armed/Dangerous, Dragon Maze Split Fuse, Magic The Gathering Card (view item)