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Member since Sep 1, 2012
Last login Jan 28, 2015
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Total listings: 365
Total listings completed: 365
Total listings w/ winner: 248
Feedback received: 379
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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MTG : Magic The Gathering Hybrid Vassal Soul Playset White / Blue (view item)
MTG: Magic The Gathering 2- Simic Fluxmage, Slow Motion Foil, Broken Ambitions Foil -Blue Lot (view item)
My Coke Rewards / Coca-Cola Rewards Codes 5 12pk Codes, 1 20pk Code (view item)
MTG : Magic The Gathering Red FOIL Slavering Nulls Goblin Zombie Uncommon Worldwake (view item)
Spectral Sliver black uncommon Legions MTG Magic ccg tcg (view item)
Metallic Sliver artifact Tempest MTG Magic ccg tcg (view item)
Magic the Gathering Lot of 13 Slivers Commons & Uncommons + Clone Rare (view item)
16- Box Tops and 3- 1 point Labels for Education Plus Bonus eBox Tops -Read Description for Details (view item)
Psionic Sliver blue rare Time Spiral MTG Magic ccg tcg (view item)