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Member since Sep 1, 2012
Last login Jan 28, 2015
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Total listings: 365
Total listings completed: 365
Total listings w/ winner: 248
Feedback received: 379
Positive feedback: 377
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Magic the Gathering Commons X3 Tangle Hulk X3 Shriekhorn Mirrodin Besieged (view item)
Magic The Gathering Playset Tangle Hulk Common Mirrodin Besieged (view item)
Magic the Gathering Spanish Uncommon Llamaguerra de Kragma (Kragma Warcaller) Theros (view item)
MTG Rare Magic the Gathering Ajani's Chosen M14 (view item)
6 green 1 artifact MGT (magic the gathering) (view item)
New Unplayed MTG: Magic the Gathering White Lot (view item)
3 common blue zombie MGT (magic the gathering) (view item)
Magic The Gathering Spanish Uncommon Artifact Rueda flamigera (Flamecast Wheel) Theros (view item)
Magic the Gathering X3 Scorch the Fields Dark Ascension Common (view item)