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Member since Feb 1, 2013
Last login Aug 1, 2020
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Total listings: 65
Total listings completed: 65
Total listings w/ winner: 65
Feedback received: 60
Positive feedback: 60
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Star Wars journey to the Force Awakens Foil Card - Chewbacca # 3 (view item)
Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens Foil Card - Rey # 1 (view item)
Star Wars Journey to the force awakens foil card- Captain Phasma #7 (view item)
Star Wars journey to the force foil card #8 Flametrooper (view item)
Star Wars Journey to the force awakens Foil Card Poe Dameron (view item)
Star Wars Journey to the force awakens cloth card #2 (view item)
Star Wars Journey to the Force Awakens Foil Card - Rey # 1 (view item)
Star Wars journey to the Force Awakens Foil Card - Chewbacca # 3 (view item)
Star Wars Journey to the force awakens foil card- Captain Phasma #7 (view item)