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Member since Feb 5, 2013
Last login Dec 21, 2021
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 686
Total listings completed: 665
Total listings w/ winner: 664
Feedback received: 1,741
Positive feedback: 1,739
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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positive feedback for
on Oct 19th, 2019 at 2:59 PM PDT (over 5 years ago)
Singapore: 1999, Golekkan, 19th Century Sailing Ships, Scott # SG-894 - SIN-6300f (view item)
Australia: 1992, Kalgood, Desert Gold Series, Scott # AUS-6100a (view item)
Ireland: 1993, "Flight to Egypt", Christmas 1993, Scott # IE-909 - IRE-6300c (view item)
positive feedback for
on Sep 16th, 2019 at 3:55 AM PDT (over 5 years ago)
2 complete sets sports - semi postal issues Germany and Berlin with first day postmark from Germany (view item)
Kenya: 2001, Maise (Corn) - Zea Mays, Crops Series, Scott # KE-762 - KEN-6100a (view item)
Bahamas: 1991, Royal Tern, Birds Series, Scott # BS-713 - BMA-6100a (view item)
Greece: 2002, "Hassapiko" Smyna, Green Dances, Scott # GR-2016 - GRE-5600a (view item)
Guernsey: 1973, Princess Ann and Captain Mark Phillips, Scott # GG-90 - GUE-5600a (view item)
Ireland: 1987, Birds: Illustration Song: "The 12 Days of Christmas, Scott # IE-642 - IRE-5601a (view item)