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Member since Feb 19, 2011
Last login Apr 21, 2016
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Total listings: 2,836
Total listings completed: 2,832
Total listings w/ winner: 1,206
Feedback received: 1,402
Positive feedback: 1,357
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Dragon Throne of Tarkir rare artifact equipment MtG Magic KoT Khans of Tarkir ccg tcg card game (view item)
Rakshasa Deathdealer Rare KoT MtG Magic Khans of Tarkir card game ccg tcg (view item)
Herald of Anafenza MTG magic RARE KoT Khans of Tarkir white card ccg tcg (view item)
Altar of the Brood Rare KoT Khans of Tarkir MtG Magic card ccg tcg (view item)
2 RARE Holo Foil MTG Magic cards Shifting Sky + Hoverguard Sweepers blue ccg tcg (view item)
2 Rare Holo Foil MtG Magic Grip of Chaos + Cho-Arrim Bruiser ccg tcg card game (view item)
2 Rare Holo Foil mtg Magic Damping Engine + Slumbering Tora ccg tcg card game (view item)
positive feedback for
on Nov 27th, 2014 at 10:02 PM PST (over 10 years ago)
Crater's Claws Red Sorcery RARE Khans Of Tarkir Mtg ccg tcg Magic (view item)
Dragon Throne of Tarkir rare artifact equipment MtG Magic KoT Khans of Tarkir ccg tcg card game (view item)
Herald of Anafenza MTG magic RARE KoT Khans of Tarkir white card ccg tcg (view item)