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angelavince71 on Oct 30th, 2015 at 5:55 AM PDT (over 9 years ago)
Win up to FIVE Autism ♥ or YOUR Choice ♥ of 40+ Euro Charms ~Fits Pandora~ *Free US Ship*(view item)
"I waited 17 days since the nding of auction I'm sorry you are having a hard time shipping you r ... " (more)efunded my credits sovsave your money on shipping I hope things get better for you "
left positive feedback for
angelavince71 on Oct 29th, 2015 at 4:44 PM PDT (over 9 years ago)
collectible avon cologne bottles for men old cologne bottles (view item)
"Awesome Seller A++++ This is so very cute sweetie i,am so very glad i won this for my grand baby sh ... " (more)e is going to love this it is going to be a Christmas gift you really went out of your way hun and i do appreciate everything you did for me i will watch your auctions for sure from now God Bless kim"