"you would think i would learn....but no i keep trusting people. sorry to leave negative feedback bu ... " (more)t you kinda ripped me off. yes i got my credits back but i really wanted those ducks :) "
"A++++++++++ Just recieved the bracelet. LOVE IT!!!!! I may just keep it for myself. Anyone who buys ... " (more) from you will NOT be disappointed. Thank you!"
left positive feedback for
wyldaeval on Oct 28th, 2011 at 12:19 PM PDT (over 13 years ago)
~*~OH MY!!! AGAIN!!! GIN!!! Fully loaded CHARM BRACELET/EARRING Set with LOTS OF REAL SILVER!!!~*~(view item)
"never recieved the item. asked seller she said she would put it in the mail, but i still never reci ... " (more)eved it so i asked for my credits back."