"So happy to hear that you are enjoying this and your extras :) I hope to see you back soon, you are ... " (more) an absolute pleasure to work with <3"
"All of the bags were absolutely beautiful!!!! Packaging was wonderful, it shipped quickly and I rea ... " (more)lly enjoyed the extras!!! Thank you so much!!!"
left positive feedback for
jjheartbeans on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:16 PM PDT (almost 11 years ago)
Awe-Inspiring Small Animal Clothes Costume Lot - 2 of 2(view item)
"They are all SOOOO beautiful! I took them to work today and dressed the ferret up, it may have help ... " (more)ed her find a home! A customer was very interested in her, and I told them if they took her home they could have the dress she is wearing <3 Your work is beautiful!"