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Member since Aug 26, 2013
Last login Nov 11, 2018
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Total listings: 4,765
Total listings completed: 4,538
Total listings w/ winner: 4,283
Feedback received: 3,515
Positive feedback: 3,420
Negative feedback: 10
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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1990 The Simpson Lisa Plush Dolls Burger King Promo NIP (view item)
1990 The Simpson Marge Plush Dolls Burger King Promo NIP (view item)
1990 The Simpson Homer Plush Dolls Burger King Promo NIP (view item)
NEW 1990 Topps Baseball Unoneped Pack - (31 picture cards) (view item)
VHS WORKOUT LOT Buns of Steel & Winsor & Pilates (view item)
VHS WORKOUT LOT Power yoga, The firm & Kathy Smith (view item)
Family Kids Disney VHS lot wizard of Oz Willy Wonka Matilda Annabelle's wish little Pascals (view item)
Charlotte's web 1 & 2, Gordy & Babe VHS lot Kids family movie Disney (view item)