"Wonderful seller, took time to explain things and answer questions. The EO diffuse really well in ... " (more)my Young Living diffuser. Highly recommend seller, I already want to get more essential oils!"
left positive feedback for
leoinker on Aug 16th, 2014 at 10:34 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
*** LARGE SIZE! - 10ml Essential Oil *** -YOUR CHOICE!- *** Pure Undiluted Organic Therapeutic Grade(view item)
"Can't imagine why anyone would leave negative feedback. Excellent listian, fast shipping, extra ... " (more) colors, quick responses, beautiful colors, long lasting versatile great makeup. Love it, thanks!"
"Great Listian, works as promised, answered questions, no problems, easy transaction. Thanks, betwee ... " (more)n my daughter and myself there will be labels everywhere, lol. Love it!"
"Cool, thanks. Just wish there were double spacing between the numbers but understand it's alre ... " (more)ady quite a lengthy list and I can just do it on my own. Happy to have it, great Listian!"