"Seller said she sent it 3 weeks ago she lives in the next state. I just emailed her to see what' ... " (more);s going on and I find out she dropped out of Listia. This is the THIRD time this has happened with sellers. She should have her credits transferred to me"
left neutral feedback for
cherylpiccioni on Feb 11th, 2014 at 4:18 PM PST (about 11 years ago)
Glass necklace,very elegant with extention link(view item)
"A very nice person to deal with and I feel badly my shipping fee took so long getting to her. Looki ... " (more)ng forward to more of her great things at auction!"
left positive feedback for
mariankelly31 on Jan 14th, 2014 at 5:09 PM PST (about 11 years ago)
"I wondered where my little black purse was. I can't believe you didn't get my money. I jus ... " (more)t assumed you did and that the purse was late due to the Christmas crunch. What do you want me to do? I am really sorry"
left positive feedback for
bamapparel247 on Jan 4th, 2014 at 11:10 AM PST (about 11 years ago)
10k white Gold plated Sapphire stone Ring Elegant size 7.5 (We Charge S&H)(view item)
"A great person to deal with and he was very understanding and patient when two of my postage fees d ... " (more)id not reach him and he kindly sent the handbag anyway! Very kind but he will get paid "
"She has been very accommodating. It took longer than it should have to get the money for shipping ... " (more) fee to her. She has sent it. Mail at this time of year is always dicey. I would bid on her auctions again for sure!"
"I cannot help the mail if its slow. I verified my address. She was nice about it and my dealings ... " (more)are positive. Wires perhaps were crossed. Good item"
"Things like this happen no worrie. Please return postage fee and let's see if it gets here!! ... " (more)You have my address or do you want me to send a self addressed envelope with stamp. Please let me know. Thanks"