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Member since Jan 17, 2014
Last login Dec 15, 2018
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 237
Total listings completed: 237
Total listings w/ winner: 200
Feedback received: 208
Positive feedback: 206
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Pokemon cards Lillipup Holo Promo BW52 Herdier 82/114 Stoutland 83/114 (view item)
Pokemon Cards XY Flashfire , Buizel 28/106 , Nuzleaf 6/106 , Pidgeotto 76/106 (view item)
Pokemon Cards Weedle 69/102 , Magnemite 53/102 , Vulpix 68/102 (view item)
Pokemon Cards Frillish 38/135 , Zebstrika 42/114 , Diglett 47/102 (view item)
Pokemon Cards Team Rocket Dark Charmeleon 32/82 , Eevee 55/82 , Slowpoke 67/82 (view item)
Pokemon Cards Pikachu 58/102 , Bulbasaur 44/102 , Weedle 69/102 (view item)
Pokemon Cards , Cubone 50/64 , Poliwag 59/102 , Ponyta 60/102 (view item)
Pokemon Cards Team Rocket Dark Electrode 34/82 , Dark Machoke 40/82 , Dark Charmeleon 32/82 (view item)
Pokemon Cards Gym Hero Misty's Poliwag 87/132 , Brock's Rhyhorn 70/132 , Erica's Exeggcute 77/132 (view item)
Pokemon Cards Gym Hero Lt.Surge's Raticate 51/132 , Blaine's Vulpix 65/132 , Erica's Tangela 79/132 (view item)