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Member since Jun 26, 2011
Last login May 11, 2015
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 82
Total listings completed: 82
Total listings w/ winner: 82
Feedback received: 219
Positive feedback: 218
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Triforce Zelda Earrings - Handmade and cuteee~! :3 C (view item)
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic McDonalds Toy~ MYSTERY! :) LOWEST GIN POSSIBLE! (view item)
Genuine Leather Magnetic Necklace with Skull Pendant (view item)
10 Charm lot! Handmade, Kawaii, Indie, Steampunk, etc! :D Winners choice--GIN TAKES ALL + BONUS!!! (view item)
MINI IRISH TOP HATS! Ten Count! Adorable, sparkly, fun! Perfect for St. Patricks day, ladies~! (view item)
NIP CUTE Magnetic Earrings! Great for little girls or anyone who doesn't have their ears pierced! :) (view item)