"Beloved igor, i would love to bid again on the two items. please keep the item and credits, re-lis ... " (more)t it! get more credits for it! this bid amount was too low! remember dear, be kind to yourself always, " you" count!" as you are to others! so much love and huge warmest hugs, barbie xxoo <3 :)"
left positive feedback for
Ivan157 on Jan 31st, 2016 at 8:53 AM PST (about 9 years ago)
Sierra Leone 1977 Silver Jubilee SG597/8 FDC (view item)
"A very spectacular, excellent seller! 10 stars! ********** thank you graciously! please, please, ... " (more)r>remember, to always be very kind to yourself, as you are to others! so much love and very, huge warmest hugs, barbie xxoo <3 :)"
"So spectacular, remarkable, dependable, excellent seller! 10 stars! ********** and more! thank ... " (more) you graciously! please, please, remember, to always be very kind to yourself, as you are to others! so much love and very, huge warmest hugs, barbie xxoo <3 :)"