"Never received item. Don't believe I ever will. Since it's been over 2 months seller got to ... " (more) keep my credits. I haven't heard from this seller in a couple months. Thought her idea of a build a box was an amazing idea until I took a loss of 607 credits on this auction. It's a shame I really thought this seller was 100% legit. This seller in my opinion is 100% a fraud. I personally won't be bidding on anymore of this seller auctions.Since it's been over 2 months I can't leave this seller any negative feedback either. Please don't make the same mistake I did and wait more then 2 months on someone you thought you could trust. I took a loss of 758 credits with this auction and one other auction by this seller. "
left neutral feedback for
allisonakemi on Feb 1st, 2012 at 3:01 PM PST (about 13 years ago)
Fantastic 5T Baby Gap hoodie sweatshirt (view item)
"Never received item. Don't believe I ever will. Since it's been over 2 months seller got to ... " (more) keep my credits. I haven't heard from this seller in a couple months. Thought her idea of a build a box was an amazing idea until I took a loss of 151 credits on this auction. It's a shame I really thought this seller was 100% legit. I personally won't be bidding on anymore of this seller auctions."
"I REALLY wish you would communicate with me... I continued to bid and win more of your auctions bec ... " (more)ause you forgot to send me a couple items... now I don't even have all the items from the first shipment, and I just really wish we could get in touch and have the rest of the items sent. I'll happily pay double shipping if I could just get the rest of my items sent!! I see you've been active on Listia recently, but I haven't heard back from you in a month and a half... PLEASE REACH OUT!"