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Member since Apr 6, 2014
Last login Aug 20, 2017
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Total listings: 9
Total listings completed: 9
Total listings w/ winner: 9
Feedback received: 15
Positive feedback: 15
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Eleaf iStick Variable Voltage / Wattage Electronic Cigarette Mod (view item)
Super Mario Bros. 3 NES Nintendo Entertainment System Game (view item)
○ Sony Playstation 3 'Fat Version' BluRay WiFI Bluetooth Console ○ (view item)
Fujitsu Stylistic Q550 Windows 8 Intel HDMI 62GB SSD 10.1" Touchscreen Tablet (view item)
Wacom Bamboo Splash Pen Drawing Tablet (FREE SHIPPING) (view item)
14' Intel Atom Ultrabook/Laptop Win7 SSD DDR3 (view item)