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Member since May 3, 2014
Last login Oct 11, 2018
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 4
Total listings completed: 4
Total listings w/ winner: 3
Feedback received: 410
Positive feedback: 408
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Huge Craft Supplies (Yarns, Lace, Ribbons, Flatbacks, Bar Pins, Appliques and more) (view item)
4 - fat 8ths (or 4 - 1/2y w/GIN) MYSTERY quilt cotton fabric lot... (view item)
b - 24 (or 80 w/GIN) cotton fabric quilt squares (view item)
Ghosts, Apparitions and Poltergeists: An Exploration of the Supernatural through History BRAND NEW! (view item)