"I enjoyed drawing this sorry about the problems that presented themselves. But that was not your fa ... " (more)ult so only positive reviews from this side"
left positive feedback for
millwright0001 on Sep 3rd, 2014 at 10:26 AM PDT (over 10 years ago)
Sterling silver pierced earrings with pink heart shaped set(view item)
"Good product. Fast shipping! Maybe next time take a pic beside a coin so we know the size and maybe ... " (more) try a different attachment thing. These are to gawdy for such a elegant, petite earring."
"Good product if you recieve it. Fast shipping. Sometimes mistakes happen on sites like this one. I ... " (more)didnt get mine due to a mix up at the post office so i will not blame her for it. She gave me a negative review but im not that shallow"