"I received your items today and this will be a good start for us. We are just starting with these p ... " (more)oints. We have been saving the other ones but now we are adding these to our project . My grand children thank you so much and we will be watching for more of your auctions."
left positive feedback for
blane1011 on Oct 29th, 2014 at 5:37 PM PDT (over 10 years ago)
Campbells Labels for Education - 25 Total Points(view item)
"I received your items today and my grand children thank you for your auction and we will be watchin ... " (more)g for more of your auctions to bid on ."
"Hi, I won your auction for the Box Tops for Education and I received them today. Thanks for shippin ... " (more)g them, they will help my grand daughters class at school."
left positive feedback for
PupCakeConfections on Nov 3rd, 2014 at 4:50 PM PST (over 10 years ago)
5 BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION - Free Shipping!!!!(view item)
"We received your items today and my grand daughter is so proud of them. She is only three and she w ... " (more)anted to know if she could use them to take trick or treating for her candy. Thank you and we will be watching for more of your auctions to bid on."
"This winner accused me of auctioning burned movies but I bought the movies at Walmart and I even g ... " (more)ave him one because I didn't get them shipped in a timely manner. I am an honest person and I am very disappointed that this person has made me out of a liar. "