left positive feedback for
MichaelGrey on Mar 10th, 2015 at 7:33 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
One Kellogg's Family Rewards Code Special K Protein Breakfast Shake(view item)
"What a very generous offer. I will definitely donate this to our local middle school, which so desp ... " (more)erately needs school supplies. Thank you so much. You Rock!!!"
"The guy says he never got the ebook and then he lists a auction for the ebook and disputes it. Scam ... " (more)mer sellers watch out for this guy lies and gets caught in his lies. I sent the ebooks 2 different emails. I was more then helpful as I amm to all buyers"
left neutral feedback for
MichaelGrey on Aug 16th, 2014 at 10:10 AM PDT (over 10 years ago)
BIG Book of Codes, Destiny, MineCraft, Redbox, Xbox Club Penguin(view item)
"The guy is a scammer says he never got the ebook and disputes it then he lists the codes for the eb ... " (more)ook he says he never got in a auction sellers beware."
"Listia 101: Read the rules, 2nd practice what u say don't b rude and demanding on auctions. Non ... " (more)e taken I don't don't do passive aggressive. Thanks."