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Member since Jun 3, 2014
Last login Aug 11, 2017
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 281
Total listings completed: 276
Total listings w/ winner: 270
Feedback received: 441
Positive feedback: 439
Negative feedback: 0
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Homemade Goats Milk Soap - In Shape of Baby Shower Soaps in Scent of Baby Powder & Lavender (view item)
Homemade Goats Milk Soap in White Tea & Ginger Scent ~ Sun and Moon Face (view item)
Bramble Berry Sample 1/2 oz ~ Pineapple Papaya~ New!! (view item)
New SampleNew from Bramble Berry! - Apple Sage Fragrance oil! 1/2 oz (view item)
Bramble Berry Sample - New! - Juicy Couture Type 1/2 oz (view item)
Homemade Goats Milk Soap in Shape of Lamb with Lavender Essential Oil 4.2 oz Bar (view item)
BEARD OIL made with the Highest Quality Oils- 2.6 Fl oz (view item)
Fragile, Do Not Crush, Do Not Bend, and Thank you Stickers 83 of them Total (view item)