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Member since Apr 11, 2010
Last login Oct 23, 2024
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 292
Total listings completed: 274
Total listings w/ winner: 267
Feedback received: 1,162
Positive feedback: 1,119
Negative feedback: 16
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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Belgium: 1932, Ceres - Gleaner, Scott # BE-257 - BEL-2000c (view item)
Japan: 1952, Buddhisathva "Miroku Bostsu", Chugu-ji Temple, NAra, Sc # JP-559 - JAP-3508e (view item)
Japan: 1965, Mask of Zoami (Muromachi Period), Cultural Heritage, Sc # JP-750 - JAP-3506e (view item)
Japan: 1953, Great Buddha of Kamakua, Scott #$ JP-C39 - JAP-3505e (view item)
Japan: 1974, Buddha, Kofuku Temple, Cultural Heritage, Scott # JP-1083 - JAP-3504e (view item)
Japan: 19751, Postman, Regular Series: Industry Design, Scoptt # JP-520 - JAP-3502e (view item)
Japan: 1952, Doublas DC-4 Over the Hoyd-ji Pogoda, Nara, Japan,, Sc # JP-C28 - JAP-3501e (view item)
India: 2016, (2) Yoga Stamps, MNH-OG, NEW - IND-1021a (view item)
Ecuador: 1929, Ryan B-5 Brougham over the River Guayas, Used, Scott # EC-C284 - ECU-3801c (view item)
(50) Great Stamps from the United States, All Different, Used, In Great Condition - US-1050 (view item)