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Member since Sep 10, 2014
Last login Mar 10, 2025
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Current listings: 61
Total listings: 11,614
Total listings completed: 11,553
Total listings w/ winner: 1,440
Feedback received: 1,490
Positive feedback: 1,481
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Spring Garden fabric flag, 17" x 12", double sides, by Meadow Creek. NIP (view item)
Wedding theme 3D stickers, 16 pcs. NIP, beautiful stickers, scrapbooking, card making, other decor (view item)
Felt emballishments, diff. colors crowns, 4 pcs. NIP, crafts (view item)
Flower patches, 4 pcs. all different, Cloths decor. New out of package. (view item)
Colorful 1" heart iron on patches/appliques, 5 hearts, cloths decor. New out of package (view item)
Fortnite Panini series cards 2021, pick 3 from the list. collectibles (view item)
Garden welcome flag, flowers & butterflies, double sided 18"x12" NIP (view item)
LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL garden flag, 18"x12" double sided. NIP (view item)
Foam stickers, monkeys palm tree, 7 NIP pcs. Scrapbooking, card making, other. (view item)