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Member since Oct 12, 2014
Last login Jul 27, 2016
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 267
Total listings completed: 267
Total listings w/ winner: 266
Feedback received: 414
Positive feedback: 409
Negative feedback: 2
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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7 Elvis Packs, 6 Aladdin Packs, and 6 Flintstones packs (view item)
NEW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) ORIGINAL Coming Out of Their Shells PROMO Cassette~GIN Bonus (view item)
positive feedback for
on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 11:47 AM PST (about 10 years ago)
NEW GI Joe Vintage Trading Card Pack (1991)---GIN Bonus 3 Sealed Packs!!!!! (view item)
1991 Barbie Limited Edition Collectible Trading Cards~~~~GIN Bonus 4 Packs!!!!!!! (view item)
NEW Oregon Ducks Vintage Pin-Disney Donald Duck older Logo PLUS Old Button..GO DUCKS..Win The Day!!! (view item)
lot of (10) vintage Nintendo 64 N64 Legend of Zelda or Mario Kart 64 12"x12" Promotional Posters (view item)
vintage Nintendo 64 N64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 12"x12" Promotional Poster, never hung (view item)