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Member since Sep 7, 2011
Last login May 25, 2013
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Total listings: 1,032
Total listings completed: 960
Total listings w/ winner: 959
Feedback received: 971
Positive feedback: 927
Negative feedback: 8
Percent positive feedback: 99%
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NEW bath and body works Wallflower refill SALTY CARAMEL (view item)
New girls pillowcase dress Blue zebra 6-12m (view item)
Zhu Zhu Babies : Power Pod - Treetop Cradle (view item)
positive feedback for
on Dec 9th, 2011 at 10:51 PM PST (about 13 years ago)
Cinnamon Sugared Donut Single Wallflowers® Refill - Slatkin & Co.bath and body works (view item)
NEW Anti-Bacterial PocketBac® Sanitizing Hand Gel Splurge On Shoes (view item)
Carters THANKFUL FOR DADDY onesie shirt 12m (view item)
Kitchen Fun Finds Cupcake Stencils (Set of 5): Orange by Paula Deen (view item)