"I'm sorry I could not get back to you in time my phone has been on the fritz and everything has ... " (more) been so hectic. The returned to me so at a later date in time if you would like to try again we can. I'm so sorry for this inconvenience!!!"
"Thank you for not leaving negitive feedback. My boyfriend totalled the truck with my phone and most ... " (more) of my personal belongings in it like a week and a half ago and I've been having so much trouble with everything going on and just got a new phone to be able to log in again. I'm sorry for everything!!"
left positive feedback for
shelman on Jul 9th, 2015 at 10:37 PM PDT (over 9 years ago)
Earring Display Cards For Resale or Gift Display w/《☆ BONUS ☆》(view item)
"Thank you for offering to resend item when it arrives, but feel free to keep it once you recieve it ... " (more) in the mail. All I ask is to be alerted of if or when it arrives so I may contact my postal office and give them the info."