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Member since Sep 29, 2011
Last login Mar 17, 2025
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United States: 1938, Martha Washington, Presidential Series, Scott # US-805, 840 or 849 - US-5000b (view item)
United States: 1942, American Eagle, Win the War Series, Scott # US-905 - US-2417 (view item)
United States: 1937, Maj Gen Andrew Jackson, Gen Winfield Scott,The Hermitage, Sc US-786 - US-5310h (view item)
United States: 1922, James Garfield, 1922-26 Regular Issue, Scott # US-558+ = US-2400 (view item)
United States: 1938, John Adams (1767-1848), 6th President, Scott # US-811 - US-2403 (view item)
United States: 1938, James Monroe (1758-1831), 5th President, Scott # US-810 - US-2407 (view item)
United States - 1930, Warren G. Harding, Facing Front, Scott # 684 - US-4105 (view item)
United States: 1938, James Buchanan, 1938 Presidential Series, Scott # US-820 - US-1302 (view item)
(30) Stamps from Australia, Smaller, All Different, Vintage, Used, Cancelled - AUS-136 (view item)