"Thanks for bidding. Got a big collection of comic books. But im trying to sell most of them or I th ... " (more)ink I got to start charging for shipping because Its costing me to much and lots of people on here are dishonest! Please check out my facebook page @AnGsallgoods I sell stuff on there peace."
"Hope you like them thank you for being here at Captain trips Treasures check out my FB page @AnGsal ... " (more)lgoods stop in check it out throw an offer give my page a like thank you for bidding"
left positive feedback for
sageani on Dec 12th, 2016 at 6:45 PM PST (over 8 years ago)
Self-defence lot deal! Be safe out there(view item)
"Seller said that they would fix it because it was broken. I got it and it was just glued from a gl ... " (more)ue gun came right off! Waste of credits!!"
" yes last time I talked to you I did send that tape out with tracking and all the sudden you get a ... " (more)refund and I lose my credits and money!??"
"Glad you like it happy holidays I got more VHS tapes where that comes from Plenty of comedy horror ... " (more)action pack check out my Facebook page at AnGsallgoods page. "