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Member since May 7, 2015
Last login Oct 26, 2021
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Current listings: 0
Total listings: 288
Total listings completed: 288
Total listings w/ winner: 226
Feedback received: 483
Positive feedback: 477
Negative feedback: 1
Percent positive feedback: 100%
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Ten regular index cards, handwritten with Mexican recipes on each -- one free! (view item)
Large professional recipe cards: Eight index cards in all (view item)
Nine smaller recipe cards; many covered for protection (view item)
Seven colored index cards, most with protective covering (view item)
Love shortbread? Here are 8 recipes for different kinds, just for you! (view item)
Eleven Betty Crocker recipe cards: American Classics (view item)
Eight Betty Crocker full-size index cards: Seasonal Favorites (view item)
Five Country Woman magazine color recipe cards (view item)