left positive feedback for
hotwheelsguy13 on Jul 9th, 2015 at 6:54 PM PDT (over 9 years ago)
Letter "C" and "F" Copper wire wrapped Charms(view item)
"4 auctions ,4 times you requested a refund 3 days after auction ending , 4 times auction credits tr ... " (more)ansferred to me so Thank you for not being able to understand and follow some very simple rules! !!!"
"Once again item was not sent because of your lack of understanding of the rules and the whole selle ... " (more)r has seven days to ship item , and again you requested a refund after 3 days"
"Well no ur right it was never sent out because 3 days after auction ended you requested a refund , ... " (more)maybe you should try reading the rules about how long seller has to ship item , assuming you can read that is"