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Member since Oct 6, 2015
Last login Jan 6, 2019
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Total listings: 251
Total listings completed: 248
Total listings w/ winner: 248
Feedback received: 1,124
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Percent positive feedback: 99%
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1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Tigers Mike Heath (view item)
1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Tigers Frank Tanana (view item)
1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Tigers Mark Thurmond (view item)
1988 Donruss/Leaf MVP Baseball Card White Sox Ozzie Guillen (view item)
1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Braves Cliff Speck (view item)
1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Braves Gene Garber (view item)
1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Brewers Billy Jo Robidoux (view item)
1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Blue Jays Garth Iorg (view item)
1986 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Card~ Braves Billy Sample (view item)
1989 Donruss/Leaf Baseball Trade Card Yankees #551 Luis Aguayo (view item)