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Member since Nov 21, 2016
Last login Jul 22, 2018
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Total listings: 779
Total listings completed: 774
Total listings w/ winner: 774
Feedback received: 1,844
Positive feedback: 1,837
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Percent positive feedback: 100%
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1997 Philadelphia Gold - Eric Zeier - Ravens (view item)
positive feedback for
on Feb 10th, 2017 at 4:24 AM PST (about 8 years ago)
1997 Philadelphia Gold - Brian Kinchen - Ravens (view item)
1997 Philadelphia Gold - Robbie Tobeck - Falcons (view item)
1997 Philadelphia Gold - Roman Fortin - Falcons (view item)
1997 Philadelphia Gold - Jarius Hayes - Cardinals (view item)
1997 Million Dollar Moments - Carl Eller - Vikings (view item)
1997 Million Dollar Moments - Kellen Winslow - Chargers (view item)
1997 Million Dollar Moments - Derrick Thomas - Chiefs (view item)