"i didnt want tracking i wanted the c ... " (more)urtisy of you replying to my many messages just to even bother letting me know you recieved the shipping $ or that you had sent the dvd you couldnt even bother to do that and i think it is kind of rude.I left atleast 4 messages with no reply,it has been 19 days since i won this auction and i still have not recieved the dvd.You might have higher feedback ratings if you would try harder to have better comunication with your winners."
Feb 21st 2012, 1:34:48 PM GMT (about 13 years ago)
"DVD was sent last week and if you wanted track ... " (more)ing it would have cost you a dollar so u know when it was shipped! I refunded the credits and sent the DVD so I am the one out of a movie with nothing to show for it."
Feb 21st 2012, 5:47:50 AM GMT (about 13 years ago)