"This Seller NEVER Sent My Item But Told Me the ... " (more)y mailed it on 3 Different Dates, after repeatedly asking for the truth & patiently waiting I was Told Several different Stories which had so many inconsistencies & still they claimed to have sent it so after telling her I would have to file a dispute this Seller would not then respond yet still had claimed to me I would get it in the mail any day. I waited a month after winning before filing a dispute trying to give this seller a chance. She would NOT even reply to my dispute so eventually Listia refunded my Credits! Seems to me if you honestly infact, had already shipped it then you would have disputed me explaining that I would infact be recieving it any day. So upset with this Seller for being so dishonest multiple times when i gave multiple times for an honest answer. Do Not Trust this Seller b/c She is very dishonest & told 3 different Lies & got so confused about which ones she had already told even though they were all on the email log on auction page in 3 different emails. People like this make other Listians hesitant to do business w/trusted sellers/buyers. Buyers Please BeWare & Cautious!!"
Jan 30th 2012, 11:23:09 AM PST (about 13 years ago)