"Sent 3/1; Ended 2/14; Seller email was not ve ... " (more)ry informative or include the DC#. First, email claimed sent 9 days after auction ended and 2 days after 2/21 payday email on "2/23" then, Postage "mis-hap" item returned to Seller for postage. Received 3/9 with USPS date stamped 3/1 "Media Mail." Kudos** to "chriswise" for auction "pirates of the caribbean--at worlds end +2 random dvds" Good, quality "2+ dvd movies!!! Thank you! : ) Rated "Neutral" did not adhere to Listia 7-day Ship Rule; Suggest, Seller list auctions to end so, that shipping is not an issue for Buyer receiving; Communication-email level could have been more informative; USPS date-stamped, shipped 16 days after auction ended; Seller did not email Buyer tracking DC#. The Winner had additional hassle monitoring and sending requested information emails over a 24 day period."
Mar 10th 2012, 9:23:09 AM PST (almost 13 years ago)