"Never shipped... never provided any conta ... " (more)ct information for me to pay on the shipping. Then they wanted me to do a trade. I had to file for a refund which I got. This person does not answer question to her postings.. I have serious doubts that they even had the item to shipped. I am highly dissapointed in this, because I really did need this item for work. I will not be bidding on her things again."
Feb 25th 2012, 9:29:20 AM PST (about 13 years ago)
"i want to say i am very sorry about that. but ... " (more) i had a problem with the paypal account next time i know not to put 10.00 shipping i will put free shipping and not i am not tring to scam nobody i just did not how it work. and i am sorry about the trade . god bless "
Feb 24th 2012, 1:58:53 PM PST (about 13 years ago)