"I received the coffee pot as quickly as you p ... " (more)romised and I thank you for that. Although if it were a different day and time I would have asked for my credits back and repackaged your pot and rejected it to the postman. But this is today and I'm not such a harsh person anymore. I realize we have all been through some serious - you with your dad and the fact that I just left the hospital a few days ago after nearly losing my own life. The description stated it was "Like new" and would be "a nice gift for the coffee drinker in your life". I'm sorry - It just was too dirty. And did not look new at all. I don't want my credits back - nor will I give a negative feedback. Just feel better with your situation and the best of health for your dad. And try your best not to stress. It almost killed me. Stay well."
May 25th 2012, 12:14:13 PM PDT (almost 13 years ago)