"On a time sensitive coupon, she only had a da ... " (more)y or two to send it, and chose to ignore me,lousy comunicator,and a bad Listian.You could have done better,funny we just won't go away."
Sep 18th 2012, 11:12:20 PM PDT (over 12 years ago)
"Sorry I had a family emergency my son ended up ... " (more) in the hospital with pneumonia and I was unable to get the coupon out in time. I refunded the credits wiht no probelm."
Sep 23rd 2012, 10:05:30 AM PDT (over 12 years ago)
"Thank you Listia for refunding me my credi ... " (more)ts..The seller never sent item and held my credits up for 12 days.Positive rating ONLY because she did communicate but REFUSED to refund my credits but Listia refunded them for my instead"