"Auction Ended 21 days look at auction ... " (more)email msgs 21 days no purse just lies it was mailed. Even after i told her it was for my wife that was going to chemo treatments i been patient for 21 days she only refunded case was opened why do that to someone going to chemo treatments malus karma"
"5 Star-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️-❤️-Happy Christ ... " (more)mas-Sending You Magic Snowflakes & Christmas Angels-Top Seller-The Best-Love It-So Awesome-Thanks So Much-A+++--Always A Pleasure-Have A Blessed Day-❤️-H-U-G-S-❤️-Please Be Safe & Well-Happy Everything To You-❤️H❤️U❤️G❤️S-Many Blessings To For A Better 2024"