"Nobody seems to be getting items from this m ... " (more)ember. Claimed to have a confirmation no., but failed to provide it when asked by Listia, even though she has been online. I asked for my credits back quickly due to lack of communication, it still took almost 2 weeks."
Jan 26th 2011, 5:48:49 AM PST (about 14 years ago)
"I'm sorry!! I went to the post office an ... " (more)d they said it was delievered Thursday but you swear you didnt get it..thats a little confusing to me. I dont think the post office would lie when I am the one who paid the extra just to ship it to make sure that you got it. So something is a little bit odd to me about all this!!! I dont feel that I have to give you the confirmation number when I already checked it and that it what they told me. People need to get their stories straight because I do not think that the post office would lie about something like that!!!"
Jan 26th 2011, 2:49:05 PM PST (about 14 years ago)