"Hello mary god bless u the other day i ... " (more)sent your package honestly of the blue whistle. I honestly return your credits back to you . Heres is the tracking number of your package is # 9114901230803912892183 i hope to god you recieve it as soon as possible. Edward rivera 102"
"Hello maiira i was glad to return your ... " (more)credits and i very sorry for not saying free shipping was my mistake i am making up for this but honestly tell why i charge fee to avoid disputes and being lost . Yours truly edward rivera 102 and leave you positive feed back please do me like wise."
May 12th 2015, 8:16:52 PM PDT (almost 10 years ago)
"Hello aj1310 i am sorry what happen bec ... " (more)ause i dont have this card anymore so i return your credits back ok so please leave u positive feedback yours truly edward rivera 102"